Listings, Blog, PR or Article Submissions are FREE, just join and submit yourself. If no commercials are involved, signup and start posting / sharing yourself, all our connected platforms are free for public.
Out network consists of,,,,, and many others.
Advertising Information - Advertisement Rates & Media Kit: All pricing are custom, and specific. We have a network of community-driven Web Portals, Apps and Social Media Channels (no print version available) and divided into different Sections - all frequently updated. We normally do not send push emails or adverts unless there is a genuine sponsor and worthy message.
We do not track visitors or subscribers, stats are not recorded for reporting. Special Ad campaign and PR activities are undertaken for a fixed monthly service fee, we do not work on basis of inventory, CPC, PPC, CPM, third-party scripts, etc.. We like them being a clean community media portal, with less commercial interests & clutter.
We can publish client banner ads (simple HTML and banners only) for few days, so you can track results yourself and decide to pay (or donate) after that and continue if it match your goals. We prefer this rather than sending you tall claims and fancy numbers.
Sponsorship fee for priority banner ads for a monthly fee - send your banner with click link, no scripts or codes will be accepted. You're free to submit normal content like any other member, fee is asked only if you contact us for special treatment.
Ads on mobile apps & social media are very less, for existing verified sponsors only. We believe anonymity in real estate business is food for fraudsters, those who cannot be transparent must not be part of our network. Choose among many other brand hypes and be happy.
Mailers: We send out our headlines via e-mail to subscribers and followers.
Paid Sponsors: Premium ad placement on sponsorship positions, use contact page link below. Use contact page below for general feedback or editorial requests or if you've something worth informing or suggesting.